Generate Wealth With Minimal Cash Up Front
June 25, 2020
Dan and his financee were home-searching for quite some time. They finally found their dream home and went under contract during the beginning of the COVID Pandemic. They didn’t want the virus to possibly sabotage their home purchase and financing, so they requested a quick turnaround time for settlement. They were able to settle and close on their home 2 weeks after application.
There are challenges to almost every financing, and being honest about what they are is how you problem solve. Dan and his fiancee were smart to get ahead of the crises and know they needed a quick close. The challenge of a quick close is understanding the market and what lenders operate quickly. Luckily, with my experience I was able to make sure the lender was the right one for this time frame. The lesson here is to always communicate your goals with a great broker because problems cannot be solved if they are not known — and don’t be shy about what your intentions are! If Dan and his fiancee had just let this close at its normal pace, it never would have gotten done once the pandemic hit full steam.
– Greg Watson