Need Help With Finding More Cash Through Your Property?
May 14, 2020
What You Should Be Doing During This Time
May 28, 2020
Ben wanted to acquire a vacation home for his family. He was interested in a unique property down the shore points in New Jersey, but was having trouble finding financing for it; it was classified as a Manufactured Condo with Land. After being referred to me, I was able to find a brokered bank that handles these types of transactions. I saw this deal all the way through, and Ben was very grateful for it.
You need a broker who is creative and doesn’t just accept the status quo.
These types of properties are great opportunities, and finding financing for them — while a challenge — is definitely possible. All assets have a value, you just need to be creative in finding the right banks that will finance certain types of properties. As in any other industry, there are specialists in real estate, and my job is to find you one.
Don’t give up just because one broker tells you he can’t help — or just call me!